We act responsibly
Forests are the "green lung" of our planet. To ensure the sustainable development of the biosphere, one of society's most important tasks in the 21st century is to preserve them everywhere. The ante Group takes this responsibility very seriously.
Our production is based on softwood logs harvested in a sustainable manner by the woodlot owners and is consistently geared towards being environmentally friendly. Through our future-oriented interpretation of the 0% waste rule, we make an active contribution to urgently required climate protection. It's readily apparent: Our actions are based on passion and understanding.

The forest
A simple principle ensures its continued existence. The most important principle for ante is sourcing material from domestic forests close to the plants, which are managed according to sustainable principles. This means that the amount of wood harvested in a given year doesn't exceed the amount of new growth. This ensures that the raw material wood is always available.
Expressed in numbers, this means that a total of 60 million solid cubic metres of wood can be harvested in Germany every year without endangering the forests. In fact, only 40 to 45 million solid cubic metres are used. So the forest resource is used in a very sustainable way. The same principle was already developed at the end of the 18th century by the German forestry industry and is now considered an essential requirement for using forests in a nature-oriented manner around the world.
In addition, further principles of nature-oriented forestry have been established since the UN Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. They require that only individual trees are removed in the course of thinning work, so that the forest itself is maintained at all times and that the soil organisms aren't subjected to any sudden changes in the microclimate. In addition, individual trees which die off aren't used, in order to preserve the habitat of animals and plants which colonise deadwood. Chemical pest management no longer plays a role in modern forest management.

Short-haul wood
The ante Group produces in the middle of its raw material resource. Because the wood we use comes from the surrounding domestic forests. This keeps the energy required for transport to a minimum and makes an important contribution to avoiding emissions. This is achieved on the one hand by keeping the distance from the forest to the plant as short as possible, on the other hand by the most direct routes to our (inter)national customers - thanks to extensive processing and finishing at our plants.
Kiln drying allows us to significantly reduce the weight and volume of the wood being transported.